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Life Coaching Services 

Are you a working professional or parent who is struggling with clarity and focus in your life? Are you ready for a life or career change and need some guidance to set you on the right path? Do you feel tired and burnt out, and need help in balancing your personal and professional life? Do you just feel stuck?  Then hiring a Master Life Coach will help you to get back on track.  

What is a Life Coach?

Life Coaches help you to get clarity on the personal and professional goals you wish to achieve. You learn how to solve problematic behaviors, to overcome obstacles and create an action plan that will help you to achieve your desired results. Our coaching sessions are designed to help you learn practical solutions and strategies to help you achieve your life goals, while transforming your life.

Some if the services we offer are: 

  • One-on One Coaching 

  • Small Group Sessions 

  • Setting SMART Goals, based on your individualized needs.

  • Creating and implementing a personalized Action Plan 

Schedule a  FREE 15 minute Discovery Call with me, to discuss how my services can help you.*   


Coach Tami 


*Before your Discovery Call ,click the button below, complete and submit the short questionnaire form. 



Recharge Your Life with Coach Tami: A 6 weeks Empowerment Course. 

This program combines faith based  biblical principles with strategic and practical solutions to transform your life. In 6 weeks, you will learn how to create your own purpose statement (transformational manifesto), which will help to guide you towards a path of success. The first three weeks you will analyze your personality type, determine your life goals, and learn how to create/implement an action plan. The second  three  weeks deals with empowerment and transforming your mindset to dispel negative thoughts and actions that hinder you from reaching your full potential. You will be revitalized, refreshed and  leave this program with more clarity and a focused mindset. Our next online program will be starting soon, so make sure to sign up. 

What do I need to be successful in this program? 

  1. Be committed to working on your goals

  2. Make sure to complete all your tasks and assignments

  3. Be ready to grow, develop, and step out of your comfort box to make changes in your life.

  4. Understand that for true change to take place you must transform yourself from the inside out

  5. Be on time to all your online sessions

  6. Check in regularly with your accountability partner

  7. Make sure to be prepared to discuss your progress.           â€‹

What is the class size for this online program? Spaces are limited, and I will only accept a maximum of 10 students to ensure quality time is given to everyone.

What do I receive for taking this course? 

  • 6 Group Strategy Sessions

  • An Accountability Partner

  • FREE 15 min. Discovery Call

  • Weekly Tasks and Assignments

  • 24/7 access to my Resource Library, with downloadable worksheets and resources for the duration of the course

  • Online Facebook Focus Group

  • Email support between sessions if you have any questions or concerns.

Schedule a FREE  Discovery Call with us to see if this program would be beneficial for you. 

Business Consultation

Business & Career Coaching  Services

Are you looking to develop your business but not sure where to turn? Get equipped with the tools, strategies & resources to help you become successful in implementing your career/business goalsOur Business and Career Coaching Services 

helps to guide you on how to set up a new business and achieve clarity and focus by developing your business plan (Business Blueprint). 

Some of the coaching services we offer are : 

  • Career Planning 

  • Personality Assessment Evaluation 

  • Leadership Development  

  • Resume & Cover Letter  Building Skills 

  • One-on-One Success Strategy Sessions 

  • Networking Opportunities 

  • Creating an individualized Business Plan 


Schedule a FREE  Encounter call with us to see how we can help you.


Male Student

Educational Consulting Services

We provide services that help to increase a student's achievement and social growth. Students will define and develop realistic educational goals to ensure their academic progress and career goals are achieved. Academic and interpersonal strengths, weaknesses and goals will be addressed, to help students get a customized action plan which will help them implement their goals. 

We provide: 


Schedule a FREE Discovery Call with us to see how we can help you.


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